Contract signed between TRI and Taiwan National library

tri002On January 30th 2010, The Taipei Ricci Institute and Taiwan National Library signed a contract formalizing the transfer of the library of TRI to the premises of TNL on the basis of a permanent loan. The newly created "Matteo Ricci - Pacific Studies reading room" will showcase the Jesuit academic contribution to Taiwan while fostering Pacific and Austronesian studies.

台北利氏學社與國家圖書館於2010年1月30日簽訂合作協議書,由耶穌會中華省會長詹德隆神父與顧敏館長共同簽署。雙方協議將利氏圖書館三萬冊藏書永久寄存(Permanent Loan)於國圖,雙方共同成立「利瑪竇太平洋研究室」(將於4月17日開幕)並共同合作推動太平洋研究、擴充館藏、進行史料數位化等工作。簽約儀式簡單而隆重,揭示了雙方合作的里程碑。詹神父並於致詞中表示,天主教倫理學很重視「公益」(Common Good),此次透過雙方的合作,讓利氏學社累積了數十年的珍貴圖書,可以更便利地為大眾運用。

