2024 New Publications "CHINA JESUITS IN EAST ASIA" 6 Volumes



1948 - 1968

6 Volumes



Fernando Mateos SJ


Edited by Edmund Ryden SJ




Foreword to China Jesuits in East Asia

Fr Mateos’ original history China Jesuits in East-Asia was divided into two volumes: Starting from Zero 1949-1957 published in 1995 and A Decade of Changes 1958-1967 completed in 1997. Initially the Taipei Ricci Institute decided to prepare the second volume for publication. However, it became clear very soon that the second volume required the first and hence it would be better to reformat both volumes. For the most part Volumes One and Two of the present six volumes include the material from Starting from Zero, whilst Volumes 3, 4 and 5 contain that from A Decade of Changes. Volume Six contains the indices and appendices and the biographical notices that appeared in both original volumes.

The exception to this rearrangement lies in the way the different regions are dealt with. Since both Hong Kong and Macao figure more in Starting from Zero, all the information about these two places has been moved to Volume One, with Chapter 3 devoted to Hong Kong and Chapters 4-5 to Macao. Material dealing with the new missions assigned to the exiled Jesuits has been collected in Volume Five since the original format often cut a story in two according to the 1957/8 watershed.

The result is that Volume One now deals with the departure from China proper, temporary stays in Hong Kong and Macao (as well as the later ongoing missions there) and the temporary stay in the Philippines. Volume Two begins the story of Taiwan, which continues in the following two volumes. Volume Five deals with missions in southeast Asia.


沈起元神父(Fernando Mateos SJ, 1920-2015)的原著CHINA JESUITS IN EAST ASIA 1948-1968有二卷,分別為1995年出版的第一卷Starting from Zero 1949-1957以及完成於1997年的第二卷A Decade of Changes 1958-1967。起初,臺北利氏學社只準備出版第二卷,但我們在編輯過程中察覺需要有第一卷作為基礎,從而決定重新編排全部二卷的內容。

本次出版的六冊套書中,第一冊及第二冊的資料來源為Starting from Zero,第三至五冊整理自A Decade of Changes,最後的第六冊則有總目錄、索引、參考資料及在原始二卷書中的個人簡歷。

全書編排的例外是將不同區域的內容重新整合。由於香港及澳門在Starting from Zero中篇幅較多,所有與這二地相關的章節都編入第一冊,其中的第3章專門講述香港,第4-5章則講述澳門。沈起元神父所撰寫的原文常將1957/1958年做為整段敘事的分水嶺,於是被驅逐的耶穌會士在東南亞所開展的新使命便集中收錄於第五冊。



      Vol I--REFUGEES 難民

      Vol II--TAIWAN: A NEW DAWN 台灣:黎明破曉

      Vol III--TAIWAN: THE SUN AT NOON 台灣:日中則昃


      Vol V--SOUTHEAST ASIA 東南亞

      Vol VI--APPENDICES 附錄索引


Language: English

Softcover: 6 Volumes, 1,475 pages

ISBN: 978-626-98785-5-5



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