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Tien Educational Center during Cold War Taiwan: An Oasis of Intellectual Freedom under Authoritarian Regime

丁立偉 (Olivier Lardinois SJ) 著  ‧  謝靜雯 譯


定價200元 (精裝.81P)   ISBN 978-957-29848-6-4


自從一九六○年代初期,一棟四層樓的長型灰色建築就矗立於臺北市的羅斯福路與辛亥路交叉口:由耶穌會負責運作的耕莘文教院,英文簡稱為TEC (Tien Educational Center)。附近的臺灣大學和臺灣師範大學學生現在鮮少有人知道,在一九六三年到一九八○年代晚期之間,耕莘文教院是中華民國流亡首都裡,並未完全屈從於國民黨威權意識形態嚴格管控的少數幾個文化機構之一。

本書的研究分成五個部分:(一) 一九六三年至一九九二年間,臺灣的政治與文化脈絡。(二) 耶穌會決定在臺北開辦耕莘文教院的原因。(三) 冷戰時期耕莘文教院所舉辦的各種活動,這些活動為何吸引數百名基督徒與非基督徒學子。(四) 什麼因素讓耕莘文教院的耶穌會士在國民黨的威權統治下,得已享受相對的自由。(五) 針對臺灣於一九八七年結束戒嚴、臺灣政權慢慢民主化期間,耕莘文教院參與轉型正義運動的相關報告。


At the intersection of Roosevelt and Hsinhai roads of Taipei City, lies a large four story grey concrete building from the early 1960s: the Jesuit-run Tien Educational Center 「耕莘文教院」or TEC. Few students from the nearby National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) today are aware that between 1963 and the late 1980s, TEC was one of the few cultural institutions in the Republic of China's (ROC) "capital in exile", which was not fully submitted to the then strict ideological control of the KMT authoritarian regime.

This study is divided into five parts: 1) Taiwan's political and cultural context between 1963 and 1992; 2) the reasons why the Jesuits decided to open TEC in Taipei; 3) the various activities held at TEC during the Cold War and why those activities attracted hundreds of Christian and non-Christian students; 4) the factors which gave the Jesuits running the TEC relative freedom despite the authoritarian regime of the KMT; 5) a report on the involvement of TEC in the movement of transitional justice that followed the end of Taiwan's martial law in 1987 and slowly led to the democratization of Taiwan's political regime.






利氏學社出版品《耶穌會士在華名錄 1842-1955》


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《耶穌會士在華名錄 1842 ~ 1955》

Directory of the Jesuits in China from 1842 to 1955


Olivier LARDINOIS SJ ‧ Fernando MATEOS SJ(✝) ‧ Edmund RYDEN SJ


定價800元 (精裝,352P)    ISBN  978-957-29848-5-7


    Researchers in the history of Chinese Christianity during the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are familiar with the directory of the Jesuits in China from 1552 to 1800 compiled by Fr. Joseph Dehergne, SJ. The book was published in French in 1973 in the prestigious Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Jesu. However, until now no similar directory exists for the second great period of the mission of the Jesuits in China that can easily be situated between years 1842 and 1955: 1842 when the three first Jesuit missionaries arrived in China after the restoration of the Society of Jesus, and 1955 when foreign missionaries had already been expelled from mainland China by the communist government, and most of the outstanding native Jesuits were imprisoned.

    The publication of the present directory of the Jesuits in China between 1842 and 1955, aims to remedy this omission. It is the result of collaboration between three Jesuits from the Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus: Fernando Mateos (✝), Edmund Ryden and Olivier Lardinois. Beside the biographical notices of 1,570 Jesuits who worked in China between 1842 and 1955, this directory includes various annexes so that it can be more easily consulted and from different points of entry: an index of names in the forms transliteration each used, another index according to international Pinyin and Chinese characters, Jesuit missions statistics, a chronology of the history of the mission and various mission areas, status in Church leadership (Bishops, Prefects Apostolic) and in academic and scientific work, a list of official and non-official Jesuit martyrs, a few maps and photos, and a selective bibliography.


由榮振華神父(Joseph Dehergne, SJ)撰寫、並在1973年於著名的Bibliotheca Instituti Historici Societatis Jesu所出版的《明清間在華耶穌會士列傳》,內容收錄了1552年至1800年止的會士名錄及簡歷,對於研究16~18世紀中國天主教歷史的學者來說,是非常熟悉的一本書。然而在1842年至1955年,這個耶穌會在中國的另一段重要時期,卻沒有相關的名錄存在。重新恢復的耶穌會,所派遣的第一批三位會士於1842年重返中國土地;1955年,多數外籍傳教士被中國共產黨政府驅逐出境、而大部分傑出的中國籍會士則多被監禁。







Explanation of the Abbreviations



Biographical Notices of the Jesuits Classified from A to Z, with the Names of Chinese Jesuits Recorded in International Pinyin Transliteration

Statistics of the Chinese Missions of the Society of Jesus from 1842 to 1949

Detailed Chronology

List of Jesuit Bishops and Apostolic Prefects in China (19th-20th Centuries)

List of the Jesuits involved in Scientific Research and Academic Field who worked in China between 1842 and 1955

List of the Jesuit Martyrs in China (19th-20th Centuries)

Maps and Photos

Select Bibliography

Official Transliteration of Names of Chinese Jesuits with Corresponding Transliteration in International Pinyin

Names of the Native and Foreign Jesuits in Chinese Traditional Characters with Concordance in International Pinyin



The Ricci-Shangwu Chinese-French Dictionary

At the end of August 2014, Beijing Commercial Press (or Shangwu, one of the biggest Chinese publishing house, owner of the Xinhua Dictionary, the world's most popular reference work) launched a volume more than 2,000 pages: The Ricci-Shangwu Chinese-French Dictionary, a revised and shortened edition of the "Grand Ricci", the seven-volume dictionary published in 2001 by the Ricci Institutes of Taipei and Paris. (Since then, the two Institutes have entrusted the Ricci Association with moral and financial rights over the work.)

From the first contact between the Ricci Institutes and Beijing Commercial Press more fifteen years have passed... But it was worth the wait: Shangwu has come out with an exceptional production, enhancing the work conducted by Jesuits and Sinologists in the preceding decades, and ensuring that this volume will be a long-term reference work. Lexicographic choices and corrections have been scrupulously made, and expressions coming from contemporary Chinese have been introduced without weakening the strong anchoring of the Ricci into the history of Chinese thought, culture and classical language. The team involved during fifteen years in the work has been surprisingly stable and steady, and, among all partners involved, esteem and trust has grown continuously.

The origin of the Grand Ricci leads one back to the Bureau of Sinological Studies launched by the Zikawei Jesuits in the 1880s and to the work conducted by FF. Leon Wieger and Seraphin Couvreur in Hebei Province at around the same time. After 1949, it was referenced by FF Eugen Zsamar, Yves Raguin, Jean Lefeuvre and Claude Larre among others, as well as by Fr Yves Camus now based at the Macao Ricci Institute. The time had come for this emblematic work of Jesuit Sinology to return to Mainland China, and to do so under the auspices of the best Chinese lexicographic institution. The publication of the Shangwu-Ricci dictionary is more than an editorial event: anchored into a long history, it is a sign of continued friendship, faithfulness and hope.

(Written by Benoit Vermander for

Read the article in French on

Film release: a documentary on Teilhard de Chardin

DVD Teilhard-and-China CoverTo commemorate the 60th anniversary of the death of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955), the Taipei Ricci Institute and the Xu-Ricci Dialogue Institute at Fudan University present the documentary: Teilhard
and China.

This French Jesuit who was at the forefront in his chosen field, paleontology was based in China for 23 years (1923-1946), and wrote his two most influential books there. They included several of the writings that would later be gathered under the title The Divine Milieu, and, most importantly, The Phenomenon of Man. His writings dealing with the connections between science and faith as well as globalization and the future of humankind became immensely popular after his death.

Besides offering a narrative of Teilhard's evolving relationship with China, this 44-minute documentary available in 3 versions (English, French and Chinese) is a meditation on his spiritual journey and its significance today for China and beyond.

The DVD can be purchased here

You can read about Teilhard de Chardin and watch some excerpts of the documentary on




完成年度 |2014年

長度| 44 min

製作單位| 復旦大學利徐學社&中華利氏學社

導演| 魏明德 Benoît Vermander 張俐紫 Cerise Phiv

前置作業| 梁准



The Sequel to the Chinese Christian Texts from the Zikawei Library》

The Sequel to the Chinese Christian Texts from the Zikawei Library is edited by Nicolas Standaert, Ad Dudink and Wang Renfang. In line with earlier collections, it reproduces not yet known or not yet published texts which were originally co-produced by Chinese and Europeans. These prints and manuscripts revivethe early contacts between China and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth century.

The present collection of 34 volumes includes 84 titles from the Zikawei (Xujiahui) Library in Shanghai. Two of these titles cover already 14 volumes:Zhang Xingyao’s 張星曜 Tianjiao mingbian 天教明辨 and Louis de Poirot’s translation of the Old (incomplete) and New Testament.The remaining 82 titles cover a wide range of subjects such as Bible texts, Christian explanations of the Book of Changes, apologetics, history of religion and science,and include unique or rather rare titles, for example Jingyi tang zhi 敬一堂誌,Renlei yuanliu 人類源, Chongxiu jingyun 崇修精, Lü Liben 呂立本Yijing benzhi易經本旨, Shang Huqing 尚祜卿Bu Ru wengao補儒文告, Lu Xiyan 陸希言Yishuo 億說, and Chen Xun 陳薰Xingxue xingmi 性學醒迷.

The purpose of this publication of precious works is twofold: to protect the ancient documents against damage and decay as well as to make these unique documents open to researchers in order to encourage new research. In this way, the editors hope to contribute to the protection and conservation of this cultural heritage.






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