Lee Li-chun/ 李禮君
After working in grassroots social movements, she joined Renlai magazine and worked as the managing editor (June 2004-August 2009.)
She is now the executive director of the Institute, in charge of redirecting its activities towards Pacific and Austronesian studies.
She is also an assistant chief-editor of Renlai monthly.
Fernando Mateos /沈起元
Jacques Duraud / 杜樂仁
Jacques Duraud, s.j., is the secretary general of the Taipei Ricci Institute. He is also superior and director of Tien Educational Center, in Taipei, and publisher of Renlai monhtly. He has been living in Taiwan since 1986, working in Tainan and Kaohsiung before moving to Taipei in 2003.
1951年生,法國籍耶穌會士。1973年進入耶穌會,先在巴黎耶穌會所屬的賽伏爾中心(Centre Sèvres)研讀神學,也在法國東方語言學院學習中文,1983年祝聖為神父。杜神父自1986年來台,主要致力於輔導年輕學子,自1990至2003年間,先後於台南百達學生中心、高雄天主教大專同學會,陪伴年輕人。
Jean Lefeuvre / 雷煥章
FR. JEAN LEFEUVRE has left us
Fr. Lefeuvre was born in France, on July 5, 1922. He entered the Society of Jesus in 1940, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1952 at St. Ignatius Church, Shanghai by Msgr. Ignatius Kung Pin-Mei. In his book, "Les enfants dans la ville" he has left a vivid description of this troubled period for the Church in China.
After arriving to Taiwan Fr Lefeuvre became a founding member of the Taipei Ricci Institute and worked closely with Fr Yves Raguin. He became a world authority on oracular inscriptions, an, later on, on bronze inscriptions as well. He published several catalogues of oracular inscriptions as well as several learned articles and research tools on this very specialized field of knowledge. Fr Lefeuvre was probably the most important collaborator and author of the "Grand Ricci" dictionary, in charge of its etymological section. He leaves a completed manuscript of a Dictionary of Bronze Inscriptions, which will be published after the due process of revision.
He was also a pastor, founder of several Christian communities, and exercised an in-depth influence on the Taiwanese church. In the "Aurora Center", which he directed for decades, he was the first to welcome Taizé-style prayer groups.
Fr Lefeuvre is mourned by members and friends of the Taipei Ricci Institute. His absence will be deeply felt by all of us.
Benoît Vermander / 魏明德