
Cultural Exchange Program in Fiji


In August 2012, the Taipei Ricci Institute organised for the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) the 14th Taiwan Indigenous Students Cultural Exchange which brought to Fiji 15 university students from seven separate indigenous tribes (Paiwan, Amis, Bunun, Saisiat, Taroko, Rukai, Tau). The trip was held between the 22nd of August and the 1st of September 2012.


本屆國際交流地點為斐濟,以其觀光、文化和優美的自然環境聞名,此次國際交流行程也以觀光和文化發展為主軸,參訪四個各俱不同特色原住民村落(Navala Village、Navua Village、Muaivuso Village和Korovo Village) ,另外,也至斐濟南太平洋大學舉行座談會。不但有機會瞭解太平洋區域歷史發展和自治現況,也瞭解太平洋島國人民的自我認同和歸屬感的建構,並也透由和學校的老師和同學的互動,建立未來交流的管道和聯結。最重要的是,此次斐濟原住民事務部 (Ministry of iTaukei Affairs)常務次長 Mr. Savenaca Kaunisela親自接待我們此次的到訪,並且本次國際交流的成果也在斐濟太陽報和斐濟時報兩大報紙刊登,成功讓斐濟國際友人了解台灣原住民文化的特色,更將台灣原住民文化的豐富性推廣國際舞台上!





The Digitalization of the Ricci Institute's Archives

Currently two phases of our digitalization scheme have already been implemented. The first phase was the Digitalization of the Catholic Evangelism Archives of the Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000 Project, which involves digitizing the documents in the Ricci Institute Archives as its primary goal, these were divided into five main categories: research into Taiwan, language research, the history of Catholic evangelism, religious and philosophy and spiritualism and Chinese culture. These documents have considerable research value in terms of the history of evangelism in Taiwan, Sino-French cultural exchange, the comparison of Eastern and Western philosophies, linguistics and Taiwan research. 

The second phase of the project began in 2011, in which the Ricci Institute and Fu Jen Catholic University's Research Centre for the Aboriginal Theology of Taiwan, are working in cooperation to digitize aboriginal language liturgy, this project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. Taiwan aboriginal tribe language Mass to be digitized by this is expected to be 2012 completed by the end. The two plans above have received partial funding from the National Science Council.

In accordance with the National Science Council's recommendations for the process of digitization, each document should have a clear description, and the e-book on the site should mimic the style of a physical book page to provide a user-friendly digital reading environment. Our Digital Archives website is as follows: (the search function has still not been added to the database, but it can be browsed).

目前我們的數位典藏計畫已經進行兩期。第一期計畫為「天主教耶穌會在台灣1950-2000傳教文獻數位典藏計畫」(Project of Catholic Evangelization Archives Digitalization of Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000),以利氏學社之典藏文獻為主,依其主題可分成五大類:台灣研究、語言研究、天主教傳教史、宗教哲學與靈修,以及中國文化。這些文獻對於台灣傳教史、中法文化交流、東西哲學比較、語言學與台灣研究等課題,都具有相當的典藏與研究價值。 

第二期計畫始自2011年,利氏學社與輔仁大學原住民神學研究中心(Research Center for Taiwan Aboriginal Theology)合作,將台灣原住民部落的族語彌撒經本予以數位化,預計將於2012年底完成。上述二計畫皆獲得行政院國家科學委員會(National Science Council)提供部份經費補助。



Ground-breaking journey to Canada by Taiwan Indigenous Students

erenlai_indi_youth_01The Executive Yuan’s Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) of the Republic of China (Taiwan) has set up a ground-breaking exchange programme which coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China. The Canada Cultural Exchange Program hosted by the CIP and organized by the Taipei Ricci Institute will bring to Vancouver 15 university students from five separate indigenous tribes spread all over Taiwan. While staying in Canada they will learn about policies and practices which foster indigenous rights, social justice and autonomy.

The indigenous population in Taiwan is just over half a million accounting for about 2.1% of the population. There are currently 14 recognized aboriginal tribes in Taiwan all with their own distinct culture and language: the Amis, Atayal, Saisiyat, Bunun, Kavalan, Tsou, Rukai, Puyuma, Truku, Paiwan, Tao, Thao, Sakizaya and the Seediq, the latter being the last tribe to be recognized, in 2008. The Council for Indigenous Peoples was founded on December 10, 1996 with the mission of advancing aboriginal issues.

The Ricci Institute draws on its wealth of experience in organising and fostering cross-cultural activities and dialogue to organise a 10-day trip to the Vancouver region from the 4th to the 13th September 2011. They have prepared exchanges with local universities, community organisations, government agencies, indigenous cultural and touristic parks in the Vancouver region so that the students may gain first-hand knowledge and experience of socio-political and economic policies regarding indigenous peoples.

As a precursor to the trip to Vancouver, in July the students also all spent five days in Southeast Taiwan, where they were given preparatory classes in comparative history, English language, and even singing and dancing to put them in good stead for their coming journey.


You can find out more about this journey in the Focus put together by eRenlai Magazine in December 2011

Bringing Home the Seeds of Indigenous Autonomy


Project of Catholic Evangelization Archives Digitalization of Society of Jesus in Taiwan, 1950-2000

2009 was the 150th anniversary celebration of the Catholic evangelization in Taiwan. The history of evangelization in Taiwan has crossed several periods like the Chinese Qing Dynasty colonial period from 1683 to 1895, the Japanese colonial period from 1895 to 1945, and the Kuomintang government period since 1949. In these fifty years (1950–2000), the history of evangelization in Taiwan has gone through a special period of time. In about 1952, the Chinese government started to deport the foreign missionaries, so within a few years, some missionaries came to Taiwan and began a new mission from then on.

Therefore, this project is under the effort of creating an archive of "The History of the Catholic evangelization in Taiwan."We wish to digitize a total collection of many historical documents stored in Taipei Ricci Institute, which are the collections of the works done by the Society of Jesus and the Jesuits in Taiwan from 1950 to 2000. These documents also including Taiwan study, linguistics, history of evangelization, and other academic research documents. The digitalization of these historical documents will create many advantages for the researches and also for many international studies on Taiwan.

在台灣,天主教之傳教史已有150 年,橫跨了清朝統治時期、日治時期以及國民政府時期。在台灣,天主教的傳教方式除了興建教堂、傳播福音之外,更積極地投身各種社會福利服務、醫療、教育文化、原住民部落發展等事工。許多傳教士(包括神父、修士、修女等)來自歐、美各國,在台灣服務長達數十年。他們深刻地融入台灣的文化和生活,早已成為最佳的「文化交流橋樑」。

而在1952 年至今將近六十年的時間裡,可說是台灣天主教傳教史上相當特殊的一段時期。約自1952 年開始,外籍傳教士因戰亂之故紛紛離開中國,因此在後來的幾年裡,許多原本散居於中國大江南北的各國籍耶穌會士陸續聚集至台灣,建立新的教區,並開展新的傳教工作。

因此,本計畫乃是在「典藏台灣天主教傳教史」之脈絡下所做出的努力,希望將這一批紀錄天主教耶穌會在台灣於1950-2000 五十年間的相關文獻,進行數位典藏的工程。這批文獻包括台灣研究(台灣原住民語言文化之研究過程與結果)、語言研究交流(利氏漢法辭典編纂過程)、傳教史以及各類學術研究資料。未來在進行數位典藏之後,可開放公眾瀏覽,不僅對國內外相關學術研究有所助益,並可呈顯出台灣在東西方文化交流以及基督宗教傳播史當中的地位。

利瑪竇太平洋研究室 / Matteo Ricci & Pacific studies Reading Room


利氏學社以利瑪竇為名,近五十年來致力於國際漢學、比較宗教、語言學等多元文化領域的研究,編纂出版《利氏漢法辭典》(Le Grand RICCI)並創辦《人籟論辨月刊》,以往因編纂字典收藏不少書籍,以語言學、哲學、社會科學為大宗,為促進學術研究的風氣,使更多人能充分利用該批藏書,遂將其永久寄存(Permanent Loan)國家圖書館,而國家圖書館擁有最理想的典藏環境,對珍貴文獻及歷史檔案的保存與數位化,更具豐富經驗與專業水準,對利氏學社寄存的圖書,為兼顧典藏與閱覽服務的需求,於六樓設立「利瑪竇太平洋研究」專室。

Ancient books form the link in a collaborative partnership that has been forged between the National Central Library in Taipei and the Taipei Ricci Institute. On January 30, 2010, the two institutions signed an academic collaboration agreement, the spirit and purpose of which lie in housing and making publicly available the Ricci Institute’s book collection. Other areas for cooperation under discussion include assisting in the establishment of a Taiwan Pacific Research Institute, digitizing valuable historical materials, jointly publishing academic books and journals, and continually strengthening the reading room’s collection.

Named after the famous Jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci, over the last 50 years the Ricci Institute has been devoted to research in fields such as international Chinese Studies, comparative religion, and linguistics. The Institute is the compiler and publisher of Le Grand Ricci (a Chinese-French dictionary), and also founder and publisher of Renlai Magazine. During the process of compiling its dictionary it amassed a considerable number of books, particularly relating to linguistics, philosophy and the social sciences. In order to promote an atmosphere supporting academic research, and allow many more people able to make full use of its collection, the Institute has permanently loaned them to the National Central Library. The Library possesses the ideal environment to house such a collection, with extensive experience in preserving and digitizing valuable historical documents and records to a professional standard. To fulfill the need to safely store and make available for reading the books entrusted to it by the Ricci Institute, the Library has established the Matteo Ricci & Pacific Studies Reading Room on the 6th floor.

Video of the opening ceremony